Entreprises pour l’Environnement (EpE) gathers some 40 large international companies, from all sectors, that share the vision of environment as a source of progress and opportunities. Climate change has been a topic in EpE for years, with the purpose of encouraging and facilitating voluntary action by members in terms of reducing their emissions. EpE has developed the first tools to account for GHG emissions and published in 2012 more than 100 good practices by its members, now being deployed. In 2014, EpE published a booklet on how business adapts to climate change. 2015 has been dedicated to mainstreaming climate change in the conduct of business: after a publication on Business strategies for climate (to be published into English this fall), EpE has been a leading partner in the organisation of the Business & Climate Summit, gathering all major business networks and 60 CEOs from all over the world in Paris in May to debate between them and with policy-makers about their solutions, and how to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.