Carbon Tracker Initiative
Corporate Partner - World Climate Summit 2015
The Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI) is a financial not for profit financial think-tank. Its goal is to align the capital markets with the risks of climate change. Since its inception in 2009 Carbon Tracker has played a pioneering role in popularizing the concepts of the carbon bubble, unburnable carbon and stranded assets. These concepts have entered the financial lexicon and are being taken increasingly seriously by a range of financial institutions including investment banks, ratings agencies, pension funds and asset managers.
Anthony Hobley
CEO, Carbon Tracker Initiative
Day 1
06 Dec 2015
A Roadmap to the Energy Transition: Challenges & Solutions
11:00 - 12:00
Plenary Room and Auditoriums
Paul Fisher
Gérard Moutet
Anne Simpson
Manuel Pulgar Vidal
Eva Halvarsson
Pierre Ducret
Anthony Hobley
Copyright World Climate Ltd 2015